This term I am determined to give more considered time to my youngest three. Genevieve is
(K) and Saxon is (Pre-Sch.) In the past I have tried Little Saints and whilst it is well set out I think I need something even easier/more flexible. To this end I have decided on the following plan, using block periods to be flexible with the attention span of the day and working around the middles.
Block A - Prayer time/hymn (with olders)
Faith Time - My Jesus and I chart, Simple Catechism discussion and Bible/Faith story (Saint of the day if we have book). Singing-20 Religious Songs.
Block B - Seat time
Puzzles and Mont. type activities.
Ideas listed at bottom.
Block C - Sandpit/Outdoor Play time
Block D (MTea)- Nature Hunt
Bring back finds and display, label
Block E - Picture Bk Time, Poetry
@30 min. Theme based
Themes: Spring 3 weeks
Australian 4 weeks
Advent 3 weeks
Block F - Art/Craft (Pic study)
Playdough etc
Block G (after lunch) - Handcrafts, Board Games
Seat time Ideas:
Stringing Beads
Stencil Work
Pink Series Reading Cards
Sorting Nature Finds
Letters with Playdough
Coloured Sand Trays
Numbers to Object Amounts
Lacing Cards
Fabric Cards
Colour Cards
Shape Sorting