01 02 03 Seven Little Australians Living and Learning: Pre-School/Kindergarten Plans Term 4 2010 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Pre-School/Kindergarten Plans Term 4 2010


This term I am determined to give more considered time to my youngest three.  Genevieve is
(K) and Saxon is (Pre-Sch.)   In the past I have tried Little Saints and whilst it is well set out I think I need something even easier/more flexible.  To this end I have decided on the following plan, using block periods to be flexible with the attention span of the day and working around the middles.

Block A - Prayer time/hymn (with olders)
Faith Time -  My Jesus and I chart, Simple Catechism discussion and Bible/Faith story (Saint of the day if we have book). Singing-20 Religious Songs.

Block B - Seat time
Puzzles and Mont. type activities.
Ideas listed at bottom.
Block C - Sandpit/Outdoor Play time

Block D (MTea)- Nature Hunt
Bring back finds and display, label

Block E - Picture Bk Time, Poetry
@30 min. Theme based
Themes: Spring 3 weeks
Australian 4 weeks
Advent 3 weeks

Block F - Art/Craft (Pic study)
Playdough etc
Block G (after lunch) - Handcrafts, Board Games

Seat time Ideas:
Stringing Beads 
Stencil Work
Pink Series Reading Cards
Sorting Nature Finds
Letters with Playdough
Coloured Sand Trays
Numbers to Object Amounts
Lacing Cards
Fabric Cards
Colour Cards
Shape Sorting

Letter Sound Boxes

Labels: , ,

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