01 02 03 Seven Little Australians Living and Learning: Pre-School Plans Term 2, 2011 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Pre-School Plans Term 2, 2011


Recommitting to Pre-school for Term 2, as previous plans didn't come to fruition.

Saxon and Ignatius are to join in with prayers, hymns and poetry reading.  To include poetry suitable for their understanding.  

Older/middle children to work independetly whilst I work with S & I for first half hour.  Genevieve may chose to join in
- Faith reading and theme picture books. - @ 20min
- Sounds - @ 10 min
- Montessori/Table time activities, independently

During/after Morning Tea
- Handwriting @ 10 min
- Maths @10min

Before/After Lunch
- Art (Mondays)
-Craft (Tuesdays)
-Nature Walk ( Thursdays?)

Bible Stories
Catholic Mosaic Picture Books

Picture Book Theme for Term 2
Classics - 5 weeks
History/Geo - 5 weeks
Little Pete Stories - Leila Berg
Beatrix Potter and similar literature

Phonic flash cards
Various lower case letters
Board games

Beatrix Potter Writing Book 
Printed sheets

Board games

Living Books
Hands on activities.

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