Reading over myplans for last term, I see only a need to tweak a little for Term 3. I'm also pondering a slight return to our block days, or maybe we could make them block weeks? I remember we were able to studymaths for example more in depth this way. (This for my primary aged children, the teens work independently.) I'm pondering how to 'marry' Natural Learning with Charlotte Mason. Ensuring the children have a solid grasp of the basics and yet have a thirst for knowledge. Striving for Weekly Meetings with 4 oldest.
Daily: Faith
Focus on one hymn/week based on liturgical year. Sing at prayer time.
Read books based on liturgical year.
Boys & Mariah - Read two classic, two saints, two history and two geography books independently Poetry All - two poems for each 'group', after prayers. Copywork
Saxon and Genevieve - Printed Sheets Fine Motor Skills - ie. Threading Beads X,M &M - Handwriting Books (printed) Dominic- Lined Book Dictation/Spelling Spelling Wisdom - Dominic, Xavier, Malachi and Mariah The Spell of Words - Teens.
Interest Project: Each Child is to select an interest area and present a project after 5 weeks. They are to work on this project for a minimum of 30/day. At the conclusion of each week they are to have some written or hands on material to show for learning of that week. Larger presentation at half term.
Block Days: Math Monday Living Books - Living Math Board Games/Hands on Activites Online Maths - D & X - * Recommitting to helping D daily. M, M, G & S -
'Terrific Thursday (Science) Nature Ramble with Notebook
D - World of Physics (JH Tiner)
X- The World Around Us (JH Tiner) M,M & G - Steve Spangler Science - Magic School bus DVDs-Experiments x 1+/wk
Fun & Fine Arts Friday Board Games
Music Study Classical Music - Listen to 2 composers this term.
Read Opal Wheeler/picture book about composer -Learn new hymn each week based on liturgical year.
Art Appreciation - Art Appreciation Lessons for Kids Discovering Great Artists - Mary Ann Kohl and Kim Solga Study 2 artists this term. Read about artists, picture books and study prints. Craft -Handicrafts Crafty Cow The Usborne Book of Art - Fiona Watt (missing still) To undertake one+ project per week